Apprenticeships at Italiansped

Apprenticeships at Italiansped

Apprenticeships at Italiansped: learning by doing
The training course being attended by some of our young people at ITALIANSPED provides them with an opportunity to grow not just professionally but also personally, as they’re called upon to put something of themselves into building the services the company provides.
That’s why the apprenticeship contract they’ve signed targets both the acquisition of a specific expertise and the development of basic, across-the-board skills that are essential for staying competitive on an increasingly complex, demanding market. Training aims to develop the ability to interact and negotiate with customers and suppliers, manage time effectively, plan and engage in conscious communication. To achieve those goals, courses are run by fully qualified occupational psychology experts and combined with "on the job” training alongside specialized tutors. A sound way to help young people bridge the gap between education and practice, between theory and corporate life.

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